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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Something to think about....


Judging will be marked out of a total of 50. There are 5 different category with each category scored out of 10. The categorys are as follows:

GAIN CONTROL - Judge will be looking for the following...Volume control during mixing, fading in and out of track...using the mixer as a tool.

BEAT MIXING - A basic but fundamental technique for many genres-but not all. Points will be added for speed change or interesting pitch control. Points will be taken away for galloping or heaven forbid-the train wreck.

TURNTABLISM - Turntablism will be scored on any additional physical technique used to enhance the mix. Not having any doesn't mean you will score low - it really depends on appropriate use...

THE MUSIC - We will be looking at how your set flows. Beginning or end of the set. Any unusual selections that give your performance another edge or create dynamic in the set.

X FACTOR - Stage and enthusiasm...original material...MC along for the ride...thing like that. OH!! BLING BABY YEYA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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